Thursday, August 30, 2007

Al Gore in the News

Just read about Al Gore's latest honor. As you may have gathered, I think he's on the right track. That we need to do a better job with the environment - but we need to talk about it in terms that are manageable. That it WILL actually make a positive impact if each of us does our part to help the planet. I like that concept.

Upon doing a little research at my favorite Patron Saint site, I found out that St Francis of Assisi (one of my faves) and Kateri are both patron saints for Environmentalists.

I love this image of Kateri by my favorite icon painter, Robert Lentz. She was from New York State, Mohawk Iroquois Nation, adopted by the Turtle Clan - the symbols are all there - the birch trees, the background color (feels like the inside of a forest to me), and the turtle. Apparently,
in her right hand she bears one of the most important symbols of her culture, the tree of peace. By the mid-15th century, blood feuds had almost destroyed her people. A holy man named Dekanawidah appeared, preaching peace and reconciliation. He taught that all people were brothers and sisters and that differences were better resolved by discussion than war. Through his influence, the five Iroquois tribes formed a unified government and stopped fighting among themselves. The symbol of this vision was a huge tree under which all peoples could find peace. When more people would come, the branches of the tree would simply grow longer. An eagle lived at the top of the tree and warned the people whenever peace was threatened. The tree, like all the earth, rode on the back of a giant turtle’s back. *
Keep up the great work, Al!

* Excerpts from Jones, Terry H., "Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha" Patron Saints Index, from Trinity Stores' website all rights reserved.

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