Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lent 2015

I've been mulling what I'll do for Lent all day today.  First, I've been praying about it.  Then, I went to the Ash Wednesday service at my church and got ashes. 
I want to continue to grow spiritually, and I've found Lent is the perfect time to do that!  So here's what I have planned:
1) increase my prayer/meditation time from 5 to 10 minutes per day
2) read the Gospel of Luke (I always say I will and never do it!)
3) put a coin in the "United Thank Offering" mite box that my church is doing
4) follow these family Lenten practices in my household:
5) Look for God's presence in everything around me. Knowing G!d comes through the spiritual searching, I'm coming to believe.  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Birthday, Blog!

In honor of this blog's birthday, here's a beautiful image I found, which is the cover to a book called, Le géant de la grande forêt. 

The book looks awesome!  

My intention for the coming year, maybe after Easter, is to try to do some more writing here.  Maybe focus on some responses to the Lectionary readings each week.  That's ambitious, I know. 

Thanks for reading!