Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lent 2015

I've been mulling what I'll do for Lent all day today.  First, I've been praying about it.  Then, I went to the Ash Wednesday service at my church and got ashes. 
I want to continue to grow spiritually, and I've found Lent is the perfect time to do that!  So here's what I have planned:
1) increase my prayer/meditation time from 5 to 10 minutes per day
2) read the Gospel of Luke (I always say I will and never do it!)
3) put a coin in the "United Thank Offering" mite box that my church is doing
4) follow these family Lenten practices in my household:
5) Look for God's presence in everything around me. Knowing G!d comes through the spiritual searching, I'm coming to believe.  

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