I am going to try a "Facebook Fast." We'll see if I can do it. So far, in the early hours of Lent, I've upped my Twitter reading.
As my first reflection on my Lenten prompt, "What prevents you from seizing the moment?" I've been thinking about distractions. I've been noticing for the past few months that my own mental distractions get in the way of really focusing on the important stuff: being present in the moment.
That was part of what clicked for me late yesterday afternoon, while I was perusing Facebook. I was distracting myself with political argy-bargy. And what that does is it makes me tired. It makes me not want to fight against what I see as oppression-in-the-making. In this case it makes me feel helpless. Which I am not. And that's what saps my ability to seize the day: the feeling of helplessness.
It was this story that pushed me over the edge, about the IN state rep who wanted to denounce the Girl Scouts of America (who are celebrating their 100 year anniversary in 2012). [my emphasis where added below]
In his e-mail, Morris said he had done "a small amount of web-based research" and had concluded the Girl Scouts was linked to Planned Parenthood— something both the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood deny.
Morris said that liberal Girl Scout leaders "indoctrinate" girls with Planned Parenthood principles and that the Scouts tout 50 role models, all but three of whom he said are "feminists, lesbians or Communists."
....And when time came for the House to adjourn, he [rep Bosma, who supports the Girl Scouts] asked all lawmakers who had been Girl Scouts — and seemingly every female legislator stood — to give the daily motion to adjourn.As he left the House, Bosma was dismissive of the controversy: "I've been to the carnival before, and you don't walk in to every sideshow tent."
Do you see a connection there? Girl Scouts is a benevolent service organization whose primary focus is on helping girls to achieve their maximum potential, to become the best* citizens and contributors to society that they can possibly be. Is it any wonder that the women leaders in our country were girl scouts? Is there a problem with women being leaders???? I was a Girl Scout, my daughters are involved in Girl Scouts, and will not be distracted by this sideshow (despite the length of this post which may prove otherwise!).
I have maintained my Facebook Fast for a few hours, and hope to continue it! We'll see what I am able to accomplish during the time I would have spent there.
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
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