Monday, April 28, 2008

Cruz de la Pasion de Cristo

I saw this on Mexico Cooks and had to share. It's just the kind of symbolism that excites me.

The cruz de la pasión de Cristo is made entirely of symbols of the Crucifixion. In the photo above (click on it to enlarge it), you can see:

* the dove at the top of the cross, which represents peace and the Holy Spirit
* pliers, used to remove the nails from Christ's hands and feet after his death
* the moon, representing the darkness that fell as Christ died
* the sun, representing the passage of the day and its events
* the rooster, which crowed after Peter denied Christ for the third time
* the crown, representing divine light
* the ladder, used to lower Christ's body from the cross
* the butterfly, representing both Eve and the hope of the Resurrection
* the snake, symbol of evil and seduction
* the heart, symbol of Christ's love, pity, and virtue
* the spear used to pierce Christ's body
* palm fronds, remembering Palm Sunday
* the scales of justice, representing the Last Judgment
In other pictorial splendor, we have the work of Daniel Dociu, as seen on bldgblog. Wow. Mind-blowingly amazing art. Right? Brings the plight of our oceans and rivers into pretty clear focus. Speaking of which, last week, American Rivers, launched their America's Most Endangered Rivers campaign. You can send an e-card and enter to win an ipod. Or other fabulous prizes. Doesn't this image on the right just hit home though? You can see more of this Daniel Dociu's fabulous work at bldgblog.

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